Hello everyone today I have an exciting announcement to make!

Yes, another story about a Witch
I don’t have a problem you have a problem!

Some sharp-eyed readers may have noticed at the bottom of the Stories page of this site a heading that promised more information down the road: Crossfaded!

This is not only a new story that is written by me, but it is also actually a comic one-shot of about 60ish fully-coloured pages made in collaboration with streamer and artist ForgottenFKR!

ForgottenFKR is a good friend of mine who has enjoyed my writing in many formats, especially my various writings about Witches as well as the writing and narrative direction in Somnipathy. Late last year – as Somnipathy development was winding down – they approached me about potentially working on a comic together since they enjoyed my writing so much. It was a bit of a no brainer to try and do a short project together since I also very much enjoy their art style. I look forward to working with them and if you enjoy streamers with high gremlin energy…. well there are very few streamers I would actually recommend, but ForgottenFKR is definitely one of those few.

I will actually be joining ForgottenFKR on stream later today (7/14/24) at around 6-7PM EST for a formal announcement on their stream.

Now, with introductions out of the way, it’s time for a quick Q&A

What is Crossfaded?

In brief, it is a magical story of bright and colourful cosmic dark comedy about a young Witch, Two Worlds, and a lot of Weed.

Our protagonist, Eden (depicted on the cover), finds herself in the unenviable position of managing two apartment complexes in two different dimensions connected by a scar in reality. Between the unsolved murder of the previous superintendent, a suspicious Coven leader who knows more than she lets on, and otherworldly creatures trying to take her life… a living wage in a rent controlled apartment just might not be worth the trouble.

Actually, given that I live in Boston right now… I’d probably still take that deal.

Is Crossfaded a One-Shot or a Series?

At the moment it is planned to be a one-shot, but writing-wise I do have a full comic series-worth of story to write for these worlds and characters.

If the one-shot is well received and I haven’t annoyed ForgottenFKR too much… a full series is totally possible.

What is the Status of the Project?

Our primary focus is to get the first third of the one-shot – which we are considering a teaser – completed by the beginning of Fall – so we can show it to a few choice artists that ForgottenFKR respects at a comic con around then.

So that means the first third fully scripted, storyboarded, lined, coloured, lettered, and up on its own website by this Fall.

So far we are at:

  • Entire Project Scripted
  • Teaser Fully Storyboarded
  • Line Art Started

Given that our artist here is particularly fast at line art and colouring, I think we may actually be able to hit the Fall milestone.

From there we will swing back around to storyboarding the rest of the one-shot, then to line art, colouring, etc, whilst having that first third fully rendered and existing out on the internet for reference.

Where will I be able to read the teaser?

I will be putting together a new, standalone webpage for Crossfaded in the next few weeks or so. The teaser will be readable there for free!

When does Crossfaded release?

We are shooting for a Q1 2025 release window.


And I think that bring everyone back up to speed. I’d love to continue ranting about the project here, but past here lies only impatience.

You’ll be able to find more updates over the coming weeks and months here and at my usual socials




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